Couples who responded to the appeal launched three months ago by Lord Mayor Jacquis Kemleu to register for the collective celebration of marriages saw their unions sealed on Wednesday 6 December 2023. The ceremony for the collective celebration of marriages in the Dschang Council was well attended by the representative of the Divisional delegate of Minddevel and the Divisional delegate for women empowerment and family. Each couple, accompanied by their witnesses and family members, took part in the celebrations officiated by Dean Momo Kenfac, 2nd Deputy Mayor, acting on behalf of all the other members of the Municipal Executive who were unable to attend. The twelve couples took it in turns to exchange their vows, each taking the oath to live with their spouse and found a solid family in the community of property according to the polygamous or monogamous system. All the civil registrars, led by Alain Patrick Mbafou, Head of the Civil Status and Statistics Department, opened the registers to each couple so that they could sign their marriage certificates. This was the second such event this year, following the session held on 6 March, which was attended by over thirty couples. On receiving their marriage certificates, they also received a gift from the Municipal Executive to help them achieve their full potential in the future.
The collective celebration of marriages is a gesture from the municipality of Dschang to its citizens, so that people who have been living together for a short or long time can change their lifestyle.